Thursday, December 11, 2008

Life Goes On...

Last Thursday my mother-in-law, Anna Smith, passed from this life to her reward. She was a wonderful, caring woman and she will be greatly missed. She was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer just a week or so before my diagnosis came. I called her "Mother-in-law" and she called me, "Son-in-law". She always supported me and my family's dreams and plans. I will look forward to seeing her again on the other side.

Any time big changes occur... the passing of a loved one or the diagnosis of cancer, for example, there are always adjustments that have to be made. An old fellow I knew once told me it took him 6 months to quit pulling down two coffee cups every morning after his wife died.

One of the things that I have to adjust to is physical weakness. I'm just not as strong as I once was. Ok... lets be honest here. I even have the kid at the grocery store pop the lid on the pickles before he bags them for me. I think I'll get stronger as the treatments progress, but right now, I'm a sap.

I will have the stem cell consult on December 19 in Tulsa. I am excited to talk to them and find out what all of that entails.

It has been a while since I've asked for prayers, but today, I think I need them. So, if you will... say a prayer for me to keep my strength and attitude up, to stay grounded in my faith, and to accept life as it comes.

Thanks for your encouragement.

Grace & Peace,



Judy said...

I'm praying for you Bob. I know God will give you the strength you need to get through this. I know you and Debbie will lean on God and one another.

Randal said...

Unc. Bob, You're right; there are always adjustments that have to be made.

And, through both the 'ups' and the 'downs' - we can still boldly say what Paul the Apostle said so long ago:

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him."
2nd Corinthians 2:14

We pray for you and your family daily. God Bless.


Wa Wa Waughs said...

We'll pray for you as we head out this weekend too.

Great idea about the pickle jar...I'm going to have to try that!!!