Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Greetings to all from Bob!

Yesterday afternoon I saw a Dr. Young. She's part of the team of doctors with Dr. Clark and Dr. Keefer. Things are happening now.

1. They did another CT scan on me yesterday and measured me for additional radiation treatments that will include the 8th rib right posterior and the pelvic. They will start the new radiation treatments on Wednesday.
2. The Chemo therapy company called me on Friday and they are shipping my Revlimid (chemo oral medication) to the house Tuesday by special courier. That medication is supposed to arrive by 8:30 AM today. I will then call the oncologists office to get dosing procedures. Nothing has ever made me sick, but I am told that if any medication will make one sick, it will be this one.
3. I took my 3rd steroid pack on Saturday AM. I've mentioned that the steroids tend to make me jittery and I get mouthy with Debbie. But she understands and although she doesn't let me get away with murder, she is very sweet about it all. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Debbie and how much I appreciate her willingness to stand by me in these really trying times.

The Doctor seems to think I'm right on schedule. She says everything looks good and she's proud of my recovery to date.

Before I stop today, I need to add two personal notes. The first is of concern for any and everyone who reads this blog site. If you engage in self destructive behaviors, please consider a lifestyle change. I have been obese most all of my life, and although I am told that nothing I did or could not have done could have caused or side-stepped this cancer, I really sort of believe maybe I could have done some things to lessen the possibility. However, that is neither here, nor there. But, my concern right here, right now today is for those of you who may do things that have certainly been linked to cancer in one form or another, please, please consider alternatives.

And I also want to say "see you later" to Mike, my friend from church who won his battle over cancer last Saturday morning when he went home to live with God. In Mike, I saw God's gentle grace and peace. I would sure like to think that he had his moments that he would melt-down like I do. But he had a heart for God and a quiet, gentle spirit that was kind and caring. I'll miss Mike. Mike had Mesothelioma which is a "lion" in comparison to the Multiple Myeloma"mouse" I have, but I was looking forward to comparing notes with him, at least for a while. I had stayed away because I get so emotional, and I didn't want to upset him. Now, he's gone... but he is still there for me. So, "I'll see you later, Mike. Thanks for the stuff you did teach me. Ask God to give some doctor some place the brains and guts to find a cure for this stuff."

Grace & Peace to All...

Bob Utley

1 comment:

Jan said...

Great post today, Brother Bob. I can't think of a more trying time. And yes, you did the absolute right thing when you told my daddy "I do"!!
Janet Roof