Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Standing on the Promises"

He stood up and took 5 small steps! God is Good!

We are going to request another physical therapist for tomorrow though. The one today was about 65 years old and weighed 95 pounds....he said he didn't have much confidence with her and didn't think she'd be able to catch him if he started to fall. That's understandable!

He's started eating jello, lemon drops, and Diet Mountain Dew....breakfast of champions!

Our hope is that he gets to move to a regular room tomorrow.

We know your prayers are being heard...keep it up! : )


Nicole said...

that is wonderful!!1 I am so happy for your family!

Becky Ross said...

Bless you Karen for this wonderful blog! Lisa has been keeping us posted on her friends Bob & Debbie. Our prayers are, each good day will be another blessing from God..

Anonymous said...

Hey Unk B, it's Neph M. Karen is doing such a wonderful job of keeping us folks south of the Red River informed. I've had the families of Christ Community Church and Serenity Church praying for you. And it's so amazingly wonderful to see answered prayers occur to so close to home. We are so happy to hear all of the good news! You do have a long road of recovery ahead but that's nothing new to folks like us, right? As the BB says, "God... ...take away our difficulties, so that victory over them will allow us to bear witness to those we would help with thy power, thy love and thy way of life." Know that you’re being thought of and loved very much. We will continue to pray for strength and endurance as you get back on your feet, (no pun intended, well maybe a little). ..."we will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we couldn't do for ourselves."... I love you brother and look forward to more positive updates from your wonderful daughter and my blessed cousin. Keep up the good fight, one day at a time.

Love, Mark & Laura

Paul said...

Bobby, Debbie, Karyn - we'll be having a special prayer for you in my Sunday School class in the morning. love Paul and Jean

Lori D said...

God IS SO GOOD! We are thrilled to hear the amazing progress & so glad that Robert is up & about even if it is small steps. But hey, isn't that what it's all about..Step by step you'll lead me Lord...I can't wait to tell our Bible class the good news-they have all been praying for you. We Love You!!! Uncle George & Aunt Lori